FIRE, Iniscealtra Arts Festival, Mountshannon, Co. Clare.
The heart of man has been so made by god, that, like a flint, it contains a hidden fire which is evoked by music and harmony, and renders man beside himself with ecstasy. These harmonies are echos of that other world of reality, which we call the
' world of the spirits ' They remind man of his relationship to that world, and produce in him an emotion so deep and strange that he himself is powerless to explain it. They fan into a flame whatever love is dormant in the heart, whether it is earthy and sensual or divine and spiritual.
Al - Ghazzali
WATERcolours, Iniscealtra Arts Festival, Mountshannon, Co. Clare. May 2005
The Cherry Tree Restaurant, Killaloe, Co. Clare June - October 2005
The simplicity i found within water. An element, which owing to its ephemeral form, mood and colour and the vast range of its effects, is forever a source of beauty and has a mysterious influence over the mind.
Light, Gallery 75 , Limerick June 2004
Time, Iniscealta Arts Festival, Mountshannon, Co. Clare June 2004
In November 1999, in response to a lack of accommodation in the Dublin area, the Government announced a pilot program to disperse asylum-seekers to locations outside Dublin. As a result, asylum seekers were sent to communal accommodation centers around the country.
These are just 2 of approximately 5,000 people from over 100 nationalities that are living in different forms of temporary communal accommodation in 84 centers in 24 counties of Ireland. Children in asylum seeking and refugee families are amongst the most vulnerable in our society. They have the same basic needs as all children and should be viewed equally in all respects regardless of their race or any other status. If their best interests are to be met then they need to be treated as children first and asylum seekers or refugees second. These children often live in families which have experienced trauma, loss and displacement and therefore have additional needs. Their accommodation is temporary and often allocated in unsuitable areas, and some experience racial abuse. Most asylum seekers are denied permission to work and access to educational opportunities and language classes is limited.
Akua Fobi from Ghana and Rua aged 3, from Sudan, pictured here, are asylum seekers and have been living locally for nearly a year.
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